A community of shared knowledge and commitment to growth.
Let’s Maximize Your Potential
Born in the iconic Silicon Valley, we were inspired by companies such as Apple, HP, and Google, all of whom had humble beginnings in a small garage. We are committed to changing the world, improving our operations with cutting-edge technologies, and helping individuals reach beyond what they previously thought was possible.
Our culture focuses on providing access to shared resources and knowledge. With us, you will grow and become part of the We Plus+ family.
What do we do?
Empowered by VDX People, We Plus+ is a community to help our clients, teams, and employees tackle the most pressing business issues related to creating a culture of innovation and excellence, transforming the company, engaging staff, recruiting top talent, and more. Here, they can draw upon the wisdom of global leaders and subject matter experts who have successfully navigated similar challenges. On the other hand, they can share their knowledge, expertise, and experience to help others.

What Makes the We Plus+ Community Trusted and Relevant
- It’s not an academy, course, or training. We will listen to your challenges and give a straightforward solution on how to deal with them;
- Job titles are irrelevant. We care about shared knowledge, development, and growth;
- The community is made of its members; therefore, they define the critical matters to be discussed and debated;
- Members can invite and refer other members who believe in the mission.

Pillars of the VDX Culture and how it influences the We Plus+ community
Our people are in a perpetual β (Beta) state.
Our people strive to learn and continue to innovate to be better.
Leaders are not exempt from actively participating in the development of our team members, clients, and community.
We welcome crazy ideas followed by insanely high levels of execution.
To guarantee that our products provide the best value to our clients and exceed their expectations, everyone has the freedom to put forward their views.
(We are also open to criticism.)
Our Belief
We believe that when people are truly passionate about what they do, their productivity and quality of work improve. We work closely with our clients to help them create an environment where their employees feel constantly developed, challenged, and motivated to exceed their expectations.
Our Mission
We aim to empower businesses and their people to maximize performance, encourage innovative ideas, and propel their organizations to new heights. Through this process, we help them leverage their resources for tremendous commercial success and positive influence in the broader community.
We Plus+ Community
How the community members
connect, share, and grow
At VDX People, we focus on connecting and growing our community. Each section has a primary focus with an accompanying challenge. To facilitate discussion and understanding, a subject matter expert or innovator is invited to address the challenge. The speaker shares their experiences and provides advice to help address the challenge. We then open the floor for questions and discussion amongst our members. At the end of each session, we outline the agenda for the next one and allow our members to provide feedback on future objectives and topics of discussion.

Frequency and meeting formats
VDX People will provide a 6-month schedule detailing the dates and times of all events. Along with the schedule, members will be presented with the objective and agenda of each meeting. Initially, these meetings will be held monthly and primarily be held virtually.
Grow with the We Plus+ community.
Still, needs to be a part of the VDX People family?
Get in touch with our experienced team to explore the benefits of being one of our members today!