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Retain talent from Gen Y and Gen Z
According to Deloitte’s Millennial Gen Z Survey 2022, Gen Z and Gen Z have a high level

Is your skills assessment causing lay off?
We started this article with a question: for you, is evaluation a means or an end? If you understand that

Don’t get fired from your own company!
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to be fired from the company you created or to see


The importance of an inclusive evaluation system
Diversity and Inclusion Policies are fundamental to ensuring rights and opportunities for all.This agenda is very important and is increasingly

Competency and skills assessment – part 1
CONCEPT Evaluation is an important step in the people management process. It is planned and structured to measure the performance

Goal management and OKR
The VDX People platform is a digital tool for creating, managing and evaluating key goals and results at the individual,

One-on-one Meeting Control
One-on-one meeting (1:1) One-on-one meetings already existed informally in almost all companies. But after it began to be institutionalized by